Since the early 2000s, and more so since the start of the pandemic, video gaming and the searchable term ‘gaming addiction’ have been steadily increasing. Before the 2000s, video games were typically found on arcade machines and not accessible 24 hours a day. Now, video games can be found across different settings (e.g., social network sites, arcades, home) and platforms (e.g., cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions) at any time of the day.
The accessibility of technology and the normalization of using electronics for work and school have been significant factors contributing to the increase in gaming addiction amongst the population.
Specifically for children, the accessibility of these devices in school has made it easy for them to get distracted and play video games instead of focusing on schoolwork.
Some of the reasons why people excessively engage in video games include:
- Acquiring status and power in a game
- Competing and dominating others
- Receiving admiration from the gaming community
- Escaping from reality.6, 12
What is the Definition of a Gaming Addiction?
While the term ‘gaming addiction’ is used amongst the mainstream population, the term ‘Internet Gaming Disorder’ is used in the DSM-5. An Internet Gaming Disorder defines a person who has a persistent and recurrent involvement in internet/video games, leading to significant impairments in daily work or educational activities.1
Signs and symptoms include:
- Preoccupation with gaming
- Withdrawal symptoms when video gaming is limited or taken away
- Increasing tolerance and the need to spend increasing amounts of time video gaming
- Loss of control and unsuccessful attempts to control participation in video games
- Loss of interest in previous hobbies and entertainment as a result of video gaming
- Continued excessive use of games despite knowledge of psychosocial problems
- Deceived family members, therapists, or others regarding the amount of time spent playing games
- Use of games to escape or relieve a negative mood
- Negative consequences (jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational/career opportunity) because of participation in gaming1, 9
Risk Factors for Gaming Addictions
Children and adolescents are at greater risk of developing an Internet Gaming Disorder. Of this population, it is most prevalent in male adolescents between 12 to 20 years of age.1 Internet Gaming Disorder has been associated with high levels of aggression, hostility, neuroticism, loneliness, avoidant interpersonal tendencies, social inhibition, sensation seeking, and lower self-esteem.5
Research shows that adolescents who display symptoms of depression, aggression, shyness, problematic cell phone use, and anxiety show a significant increase in their symptoms after excessive use of video games over time.2 Moreover, it appears that high-risk gamers have significantly low levels of self-control.8
Below are the risk factors for developing a gaming addiction:
- Psychiatric comorbidity (depression, anxiety, ADHD, ASD, etc.)
- Emotional instability
- Lack of self-control
- Low self-esteem
- High sensation search
- Deficit of social skills
- Lack of supervision
- Conflictive family environment
- School environment with low performance, demotivation
- Grief
- Major crises
- Drastic life changes10
What are the Physical Symptoms of a Gaming Addiction?
Symptoms of gaming addiction affecting physical health include:
- Difficulty paying attention and controlling impulses
- Poor emotion management (irritability, anxiety, depression, hostility)
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from overusing a computer mouse or gaming controller which can cause irritation and swelling in the hand and forearm due to squeezing and pressing on the main nerve
- Dry eyes caused by staring at a screen for extended periods
- Migraines from playing video games for extended periods can cause migraines due to the intense concentration required, strain on the eyes, and loud noises/bright lights
- Sleep disturbances from overstimulation of the brain that can occur due to obsessive thinking and playing video games; Some individuals will play at night or think about it instead of sleeping
- Backaches due to staying seated in the same position for hours and lack of movement which can cause stiffness, soreness, and chronic back problems
- Eating irregularities as a result of not taking time to eat properly, eating quick and unhealthy food, or not eating at all
- Poor personal hygiene by neglecting to shower, bathe, or even brush your teeth4
How to Talk to My Child About Their Gaming Addiction?
It can be worrisome for parents to recognize their child may have a gaming addiction. Parents may feel compelled to quickly remove all gaming devices and restrict their child from gaming to stop the behavior from continuing. However, setting rules and placing restrictive limitations can be counterproductive and cause increased stress for the child.
A conversation with a child can be challenging, especially since children are not thrilled about reducing their video gaming use. I have outlined four steps below to help parents communicate with their child regarding the problem and find ways to address the video gaming addiction: Understand, Explore, Discuss Implications, and Compromise.
The first and most crucial step to speaking with your child will be to take an active role in helping them understand why they enjoy video gaming (e.g., escape, relaxation, feeling confident, winning, socialization, connection to others, etc.).
Your child will react defensively during the conversation because they will be nervous that they may be restricted from playing video games. It will be important to tell your child that you want to talk and understand why they enjoy video gaming.
Stay away from making decisions about their use and passing any judgment. When communicating with them, you want to show that you are on their team.
“I noticed that you have been playing video games for longer periods of time than usual. I can tell you are really enjoying it. What part of the game do you enjoy the most?”
Once your child has shared what they gain from video gaming, exploring other activities where they receive the same feeling will be necessary.
“It sounds like you love playing video games because you enjoy winning and also feel a connection with the friends who you are playing with. I wonder if other activities also make you feel good when you win and help you connect with people.”
Discuss Implications
Mention to your child that you are concerned with how much time they spend playing video games, given the symptoms you see them display as a result
“I noticed that you haven’t been doing as well in school and have been exhausted throughout the days. Your teacher mentioned that you have been sleeping in your class. I am concerned that this is because of how long you have played video games.”
It will be difficult for your child to stop playing video games entirely. It would be beneficial to help them gain control of their gaming habit by slowly decreasing the amount of time spent playing.
If your child is playing video games for 5 hours, it will not be practical to immediately limit their use to 1 hour a day. You must slowly reduce the time spent gaming (e.g., from 5 to 4 hours and so on).
“If playing video games makes you feel happy and confident, then I want you to continue to enjoy it. However, we have to reduce the time you spend playing video games so you can focus on your school work and get better quality sleep. Let’s try to have you play for only one hour after you are done with your homework and one hour after dinner.”
Some other general tips include:
- Give your child equally exciting alternative activities to choose from when they are not playing video games
- Encourage them to pursue a hobby
- Encourage them to spend time with friends or attend clubs/groups
- Build positive coping mechanisms (e.g., yoga, meditation)
- Encourage them to share their feelings
- Help them address the underlying problems (e.g., anxiety, depression, self-esteem)
Types of Gaming Addiction Treatment
Typically, video gamers are in therapy due to pressures and concerns from their parents or partners rather than by choice. Therefore, treatment should begin with Motivational Interviewing to motivate clients to change and recognize that their video gaming behavior is problematic.3 Once the client knows the extent and detriments of their video gaming habit, treatment techniques such as Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Relaxation Training/Mindfulness, and Pharmacology will be effective.
Video Game Addiction Treatments
- Behavior Therapy: Utilizes reinforcement strategies to encourage clients to set behavioral goals, reduce gaming behavior, and resist compulsions.3
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A therapeutic model used to help the client identify and address unhealthy cognitions and social and behavioral deficits.11
- Pharmacology: Medication management to decrease symptoms of underlying disorders such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD.13
- Relaxation Training/Mindfulness: To assist in coping with cravings, stress reduction, and accepting unwanted thoughts and distresses.7
Similar to the approach that Fifth Avenue Psychiatry takes with other addictions (e.g., alcohol, social media, gambling), treatment for addiction to video games can also focus on complete sobriety or harm reduction. The challenge to sobriety of a gaming addiction comes from the difficulty of avoiding computers and electronics day to day.
Another aspect of treatment may include teaching clients to use electronics responsibly and abstaining from giving in to their impulses. However, other facilities may have a different perspective on treatment. Some facilities may believe it is too risky to allow a client to play video games in a restrictive manner. Other options for treatment also include inpatient facilities in which clients are not allowed to use gaming devices at all.
For more information about our treatment for video game addiction, call us today!
The physical symptoms of too much gaming typically manifest as the following:
- Wrist, neck, and elbow pain
- Skin blisters
- Calluses
- Sleep problems or disorders
There’s a difference between playing video games now and then for entertainment versus using video games to cope and block out unwanted emotions.
Similarly, gamers may redirect their anger to their games, which can lead to online arguments and worsened anxiety.
The primary reasons behind gaming addiction include a desire to escape reality or look for social approval. Many times, people looking for a way to escape reality to feel accepted by their peers also have underlying mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders and depression.
Based on several research studies, there’s evidence that excess video gaming can increase aggression, specifically in child-initiated virtual violence.
The brain’s reward center releases dopamine when experiencing pleasure or hyperarousal. The brain can associate gaming with dopamine for those who play video games. This can cause the person to crave video games simply to gain dopamine release.
Despite video games commonly being associated with childhood, adults are more likely to develop video game addiction, specifically adult males.
- American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).
- Coyne, S. M., Stockdale, L. A., Warburton, W., Gentile, D. A., Yang, C., & Merrill, B. M. (2020). Pathological video game symptoms from adolescence to emerging adulthood: A 6-year longitudinal study of trajectories, predictors, and outcomes. Developmental Psychology, 56(7), 1385–1396.
- Dieris-Hirche, J., Bottel, L., Pape, M., Te Wildt, B. T., Wölfling, K., Henningsen, P., Timmesfeld, N., Neumann, A., Neusser, S., Beckers, R., Herpertz, S., & OMPRIS study group (2021). Effects of an online-based motivational intervention to reduce problematic internet use and promote treatment motivation in internet gaming disorder and internet use disorder (OMPRIS): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ open, 11(8), e045840.
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